Thursday, April 16, 2009

What I did for the Multimedia Project

Carl Jewell
English 103-56
April 16, 2009
In the multimedia project there may not have been a single thing that the group did not all work together on at some point. I have never been in such a productive and willing to work group. Personally, I took a lot of the initiative in the group. I would start something and the group would expand and put the finishing touches on whatever was at hand. The first thing I did was I started the Facebook group. I went online found a nice picture and set all the settings to make the group, including a privacy setting to keep out unwanted classmates looking for ideas. Then I went and requested everyone to join the group, making them administrators so that they had the same control over the group page as I did. I posted wall posts on ideas for a media source including a website, and topics on which we could do our project. Ideas that I came up with included obesity in America, the effects of coffee on society, President Obama’s success or lack thereof since he has been in office, what type of materials should be allowed to air on television channels and in movies, and renewable energy source, which ended up being the topic we decided to use. Next I checked out the websites for making your own website. Several of these proved to be harder to use, and I decided would be the best and easiest way to create our website. I searched the internet for some basic, yet captivating, pictures for headers of the site, found some good ones, and after some formatting added them to the site. Then when we met in class again, we decided on who would do what research for what topics. I was designated fossil fuels, targeting particularly on some of the flaws that fossil fuels have in comparison to renewable energy sources. Once our site was up, one of the headings I added was the Clemson tab, which integrated our project with the personal experience our college campus is taking part in renewable energy sources. We decided to make a home video to put on this page of the site and I volunteered to use my camera that had video capabilities. I also did research and helped make the script that would be used for the movie clip. I recorded and had the idea of using the computer screen as a teleprompter for Claire and myself to read off of. As a group we sat down at the library and we each put our own ideas for the outline and beginning of the group paper. Overall we really worked together very well for the completion of the project.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Multimedia Brainstorming

In brainstorming for the multimedia project my group and I came up with several promising ideas. First we started with what type of multimedia area we wanted to do our project in. The ideas for a movie or a website were our biggest, and I even suggested putting a small video on the website. Ultimately the website idea prevailed. The first of the ideas for a topic was renewable energy, the promotion of new ideas of energy and moving away from fossil fuels would be the central idea for this website. Then ideas for the film and TV industry were discussed in which what should be allowed in the media and the technologies emerging in today’s society for the films, movies, and television. Next, the idea of critic and analysis of how President Obama is holding up so far in his efforts of what he said he would do and plans to still do. Is he living up to the high seat he put himself in? Coffee was also an idea that came up. Is coffee good or bad for society? What effects does it have in health and other key areas like social interactions and the economy? The health issue idea that coffee represented triggered the idea for doing obesity in America. Ideas like how bad it is for your health, how it is looked down upon in society were key ideas in this matter. With so many good ideas, our team should have no problem in finding and deciding on what to do for the project.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

A Resonponse to "Gorgias"

Though this is a highly well written persuasive argument, its classic level of language and different sentence structures, for effect, make it difficult to read. One spends more time trying to figure out what is actually being said than thinking about the points and analysis of what is being said. In today’s time, it would be illogical to present this to people and expect them to understand completely what is being conveyed. Chapter 7 in the Envision in Depth textbook opens with the idea of decorum. This work was clearly not meant for the average person of our time. The intended audience is from a different time, where speaking in this manner was more common. I had a difficult time reading it, and I am a well educated college student and know a little about Greek history. Ultimately it was effective in its purpose of arguing to prove Helen’s point but it was not efficient in its delivery for this era, and being engineering major, I strive for efficiency.
The argument made in this text is that Helen has been represented as a horrible person in history, guilty of deceit and treason, and that this is just a misconception. The arguments for Helen’s actions include falling in love, the power of persuasive speech, being taken in an unwilling manner, or being forced by the gods. Helen was a beautiful woman, who was said to be the daughter of Zeus. Many men desired for her love, and this brought great men together to achieve great goals. It was not her fault she was thrown into this position.
One of the arguments was that humans were forced to do the gods bidding. The gods are stronger, smarter, and superior to humans, allowing them to rule over humans. So the blame should be placed on Fate and the gods and not the person that was forced by the gods to do their bidding.
The next argument was that Helen was taken away from her homeland, friends, and family should not have the blame placed on her, but on the person who took her, Paris. This point is assuming that Paris forced her to leave, which would have been considered rape and kidnapping, or he used rhetoric and persuasion to lure her away. The idea is that Helen was a victim and should be pitied for her loss
The idea of persuasion leads to the next argument in which the power of persuasion is to intense for humans to resist. Speech, particularly persuasion is very powerful and it is a tool used by Helen’s taker. Because humans cannot see into the future or easily recall the past, they take opinion, formed by persuasion, into their decisions and make it part of them. Persuasion can be bending facts and lies; this would lead humans to make “slippery and insecure” decisions. A powerful line in the argument was “The effect of speech upon the condition of the soul is comparable to the power of drugs on the nature of bodies.” Some drugs are good and can be used to help people; others are bad and can harm people, just as persuasion can do the same. Furthermore the idea that persuasion can have a type of witchcraft in it, and that it was used in persuading Helen to leave her home is addressed. It was not Helen’s fault that persuasion made her believe what was said and the justification for the actions she took.

The argument that followed this last one on the persuasion of speech, was about the persuasion of sight. The sense of sight has a powerful effect on humans and spurs them to make decisions based on what they see. Visions that are pleasing can urge the mind for desire and love. Thus, it was not Helen’s fault but human nature’s fault. Love is a power of the god’s; a lesser being could not refuse such a persuasive power.
Whether Helen’s actions were caused by falling in love, the power of persuasive speech, being taken in an unwilling manner, or being forced by the gods, it was undoubtedly not her fault. Greater forces than her own were at work, and she was no match for them.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Controversial Commercial Link

Friday, February 27, 2009

Thank You for Smoking

“Thank You for Smoking” was surprisingly a really good movie. I was expecting more of a documentary type movie with evidence completely bashing anti-smoking. This movie showed a man who was good at one particular thing, persuasion. In addition, it exhibited a story of how a man approached his life and related to other people in direct correlation to his job and way of life. Nick Naylor said his job was to always be right, and to always be right would make someone else wrong. Arguing a point you know you can win, even if it is not the exact topic of discussion, is the key to always being right. The particular example used was arguing chocolate over vanilla ice cream. He asked his son what he would say if he was arguing that chocolate was better. To which he replied, that it was the best. Nick replied that it was better to have both because choosing, and having the freedom to choose was better. This argument was indisputable, even if it was not a direct answer to the question at hand. Thus people, in general, would have said he “won” the argument.
Nick Naylor’s personal life is affected by the way he acts and the way he does his job. His best friends are the spokes-people for firearms and alcohol, people just as persuasive as he is. His son starts off the movie little more than the average boy. He starts spending more time with his dad and seeing how he works, and the son picks up on his father’s persuasiveness. He first writes a simple paper on why America has the best government and uses some reverse psychology and persuasion to get his mother to let him go with his father on a business trip. Towards the end of the movie, he ends up persuading his father to come out of hiding and to continue on with his life, after the article Heather ran ruined his immediate reputation. Nick Naylor’s persuasion over his son’s life is finally shown at the end with his son receiving the champion debate award.
Another form of persuasion in the movie was Heather’s persuasion of getting Nick to talk about his life and job to her even though she was a reporter. She used sex appeal, redirecting of thoughts, and the misleading of trust to squeeze knowledge out of Nick Naylor. He was completely blown away by the article written because he, the master of trickery and persuasion, had been tricked.
I really enjoyed the movie, and it made me realize just how powerful persuasion can be, and how easy or complicated it can be depending on the situation and effect.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Research Progress

My Research is on vegetarianism and I have been using several keys words and subjects to find out about it. Vegetarian is obviously one of the big words I have been using. Finding out how vegetarians feel about their subject is the number one resource I can use to start off with. Disproving or finding alternate answers to the questions that arise is how the main parts of my paper will be addressed. The perception of society for being a vegetarian, and the religions and media that back up those beliefs will be addressed as well as the physical health aspects of the argument. The movie the Lion king is one of the media sources that show the idea of the circle of life. Religions like Christianity say that animals were made for our needs, or other religions believing in reincarnation were people can come back as animals. All these things point to a circular theory of balance. One of the other interesting topics I stumbled upon was the environmental effects of turning the whole world into vegetarians. Clearing forests to make room for farms would end up being killing off animals in return even if people stopped eating them. It would mess up the balance that exists in the world, it’s a natural process for animals, humans included, to eat one another. Vegetarianism is not for everyone, and it is just a personal preference of liking meat or killing in general.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Free Writting of 5 Topics

I researched each topic online, just slightly, to get a better understanding.
Man debatepedia is tempting! Nearly wrote a paper on circumcision. I have to draw the line somewhere I guess. And I will admit, I had a little bit of fun doing research.

Wave Energy

Wave energy is a possible way of solving the energy problem. I believe it is very beneficial to use wave energy. It doesn’t produce greenhouse gases and could help combat global warming. Some people think that it would disturb and harm fish and other marine life. To rebut this, marines animals are a little smarter than people give them credit for and the wave generators could provide a surface for sea life to actually live around. Wave power is more consistent than most other renewable resources and it could potentially produce 10 to 15% of the United States energy. Though wave generators are expensive at first, they are fairly simple and cheap to maintain. Some people worry that it will affect the look of and life on the coastline but wave generators can also be put under the water’s surface.

Renewable Energy Sources

Renewable energy sources are the way of the future. They are not limited as fossil fuels are and they don’t pollute as much. Wind, solar, and hydro power take unlimited natural forms of energy and turn it into electricity. The gas companies resist this change because they would lose money and the car companies are trying to put more efficient cars out there. Hybrids, hydrogen powered and electrical cars are making an appearance and the average mile per gallon is going up in cars. People like the idea of going “green”. The conservation of energy is also important. Americans leave electronics and lights running, we use excessive air conditioning and heating, and we even purify the water in our toilets and our sprinkler systems. Europe is far ahead of us in all energy aspects.


Marijuana? Is legalizing it a good idea? What are the pros and cons? Compared to other recreational drugs, including alcohol, marijuana is less harmful to the body. Some points include that marijuana is safer. A person drunk will drive like a crazy person and the leading cause of domestic violence is alcohol. A person above the influence would drive 10 miles under the speed limit and quote, “through marshmallows at a person not beat them up.” Most drugs are fine in moderation, this includes Ritalin, adderall, Vicodin, Perkasets, alcohol, ibuprofen , and vitamins. All of these drugs misused could cause serious harm to your health even cause death. You can’t overdose on marijuana and it’s not addictive. All the same laws placed on alcohol should be applied to marijuana, though the legal drinking age should be 18 years old not 21(that can be my next topic). Legalizing and taxing it could bring the country out of a recession. The snack food industry would sky rocket! But seriously, taxing it and saving money on the incarceration of people for the trafficking of it would save and promote billions of dollars. Past presidents have smoked marijuana, Michael Phelps smokes marijuana. It’s not the drugs of the world that are the problem it’s the people who use them irresponsibly. It’s actually kind of surprising that I tried to find a solid reason against it and I couldn’t find one. Although I did realize that most of the people that weren’t afraid to speak up for it on camera were unkempt looking.


Why is America the only country that has such a high drinking age? It’s a violation of our liberties. We can be drafted into the army, vote, and be charged as an adult in a court of all, but we can’t consume alcohol. America creates one of its biggest problems in doing this. Most countries have no drinking age and almost all have a lower buying age between 16 and 18. America puts it on a pedestal and makes it this object which teenagers are forbidden to touch. This is a time in our lives in which we question everything; it’s how we find out who we are as people. Creating this edge in society causes kids to jump or fall of it. Children in Germany and Italy drink with their families at a young age, usually a sip of wine with dinner. This creates a respect for alcohol and they are less likely to abuse it. Germany is known for its efficiency and getting things done. They nearly took over the world twice and very well could have succeed, if not for a few key mistakes, like appointing a completely off-his-rocker-lunatic as supreme commander of the country. He was a good leader but his personal flaws ultimately lead to his downfall (that could be a free write topic too). Just pointing out that just because things are, doesn’t make them right. Drinking, like other drugs, is agreeable but all in moderation. Excess of anything can lead to disaster.


Vegetarianism is one of the topics to which has many facets. Do people have a right to eat animals? Yes animals have rights and cruelty to animals is horrible. But we have a circle of life. I believe that people should not waste food in general let alone meat. All life has value, but that doesn’t mean that the value can’t be spread to other things. Plants are living, and we eat them too. It’s a natural flow of life. Disney’s movie, “The Lion King”, defines the whole thing. Animals can be friends because they can form relationships with us or the can be friends by nourishing our bodies. The bible says we do, and eating animals is a natural process, other animals do it. Some say other religions think it is wrong to eat animals, but if a person is reincarnated as a cow or chicken, then eating them would make them reincarnate as something else, bringing them closer to enlightenment, or just the next step of their eternal life. Some believe that animals should have equal rights to humans, but the main line is that they aren’t us. Some people are not religious, and don’t see it as religion at all. Animals don’t have a society as advanced as ours. We clearly have done something right to get where we are, and have the power to control the “direction” the future leads. It’s this power that we have that makes us superior but it’s also the power that we have to regulate. Our good values, that most people embody, are set so that we use our power for the better good. There is no doubt we are the dominant species of the planet. Eating animals is an important part of our diet and there really is no other substitution. There are still people in other countries who hunt and raise live stock for their main food source. They are not wrong to do this. This is how everyone started out as hunters. Agriculture didn’t come in for thousands of years. Eliminating meat from everyone’s diet would essentially turn almost all of our land into farming, to compensate for the lack of food, causing the extinction of many species of animals. If certain people don’t want to eat meat, its fine, it’s a personal choice. But the whole world turning to vegetarianism would be catastrophic to the environment.